Monday, 6 June 2011


Ok, I've done a post on Anime, so I figured I'd go for a post relating to games this time:

Pangya is a massively multilayer online (MMO) game. The game is basicaly fantasy golf. You play as a character (there's currently about 9 or 10 I believe, you can buy them with the ingame currency) and basicaly play golf around different courses and holes (the courses are different environments and have different obstacles. One course is a sunny beach, another is a volcanic wasteland for instance).

Characters, clothes, caddies and clubs have stats associated with them (a total of 6 stats), some more important than others (strength for instance increases how far you can hit the ball where as accuracy has very little noticeable effect). You can buy new items and what not from the shop.

The game can be free to play (there's no subscription fee and you can buy a lot of things just with the ingame currency (pang). However you can also spend actual money to buy better stuff (at lower levels too)).]

There's different game types, a simple versus mode (play 3,6,9 or 18 holes with up to 4 people playing), a tournament mode (play a 9 or 18 holes against up to 30 people with a time limit or until everyone's finished). Pang battle, where by the player (or team) that does the best on a hole wins all the pang for that hole (up to 4 people). "Approach", where players try and hit the ball as close to the hole as possible without hitting it in (the closest people get treasure chests and each hole potentially has a challenge to earn bonus chests. Chests contain items (some you might not even be available in shops anymore)) (up to 30 players). And finally Guild (where players from 2 guilds play each other).

There's plenty of events (currently you can find 4 different "deities" and when you have 2 of each you can exchange for a box which contains a prize) running through out the year (something that happens pretty much twice a week is playing a game with the GMs (though it's hard to get into it given everyone wants in for all the bonus swag you get).

The game has regular updates to fix bugs, prepare for new events, cycle out items and add more content (though the later is a bit rarer) As well as fairly decent support (I've had to contact them a few times for various things (mostly about hackers)) and a good forum set up where you can talk to others who play the game and ask for help about an problems or general advice.

A thing worth noting is that if you're good at maths (and can be bothered) you can actually memorise the algorithms people have found for getting a near 100% guaranteed hole in one,  or beam impact (a special shot where you chip the ball into the hole without it touching the the ground first, which nets 100 pang). You can also get power shots which let you do special shots (each used for a different situation).

Anyway I've been ranting on long enough! I might make a follow up post at some point if people are interested!


  1. A nice looking game.

  2. That sounds rather interesting. Thanks for sharing! I look forward to more :)

  3. I love this blog.... totally my cup o tea!

    followed! :)

  4. Certainly looks interesting!

  5. Pangya is pretty cool, or so says my wife xD

  6. ill give this a shot!
    m following

  7. I loved this game and the character design. Just makes mini golf so much more fun.

  8. neat blog mmmm

  9. I've heard about this! It looks great.

  10. good stuff... thanks for VIEWing my page :)

  11. That looks interesting. I will check it out

  12. great stuff sir!

  13. lets get some more content here

  14. It looks quite good, and I quite like how people have been able to put it custom models for their avatars.
